
     My name is Rachel Tipton Hale. I wanted to take this moment to tell you a little about myself and how I came to be involved in such a wonderful shopping club like The DHS Club.
   A lot of people are usually referred in by others they may know, or the occasional email from friends or strangers. Not I. 

     A girlfriend from high school and I were Instant Messaging each other, and we had gotten into the topic of saving money. As the main shopper in the family, I am always looking to save money while on a shoestring budget. It's a rather difficult task to do, especially with two growing kids! She had made a passing comment about this new shopping group online and had even sent me the link, but I didn't think much of it. I was a Wal-mart mom, not an internet shopper. At least at Wal-mart, you can spy the discounted items by the little red clearance tags they put out. Why cruise the internet for individual items, when I can cruise a store faster? So, I told her I would look into it, put the link in my favorites folder, and went on chatting.

     About a month goes by, and unknown to me, I am talking to her husband under her ID.  What I didn't know at the time was that he was a VIP (Vested Income Partner). This time I was searching for an ink cartridge online because Wal-mart had gone up some on their price, and I wanted a better deal if it could be had. Well, by the time I got to that point in the conversation, I realised I wasn't talking to my girlfriend, but rather to someone who knew exactly where to get the best deal and how to grab it! The sign up was free, and then I could have all this shopping access. Needless to say, I was a quick sell.

      In one day, I became a member of a large consumer group with buying power. But there was more to it than just that. Instead of just shopping at only one major discount store, I can shop at over 300 of them, with various levels of savings, and a wide range of items and services. All this access from my own home page. I poured over the listings for a few hours.

     As I opened the home page each day though, I noticed that at the bottom of the page, other people's names began to show up.  I asked my girlfriend about why they were there. She told me these were the latest people to sign up after me. She explained to me about the 'network' and about the next level up which was the VIP level.  She talked about the referral process and about the higher rebates for VIP's. They were busy signing people and merchants on in their area, so that people weren't locked into using their cards just on the internet, but also in their local areas. They were also aiming at creating a residual income for themselves for the long term.

     Now there was an idea that I liked!

     Being a stay-at-home mom, I am always looking for a way to bring in an income while being at home for the kids, but now that mine were school age, I could afford to put in more effort.  So I took the plunge October 2003. I never looked back.

      I am currently a VIP in a company with serious growth potential. I have some of the best personal help from my upline VIPs, and I can see this business, my business, undergoing growth everyday. I personally invite you to join us and experience, at the very least, one of the best cumulative shopping experiences with great savings...and at the very most, by passing on this invitation and helping this shopping experience to grow by leaps and bounds!
Interested in becoming a member? Join one of the fastest growing consumer groups online here!

Already an associate member? Interested in taking the next step up to garnering your own online business?
I invite you to come
explore the possibilities!













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